Changes to the Temporary Activity Visa Framework
The Australian Government will soon be introducing changes to Australia’s temporary activity framework from the 19 November 2016.
The changes will consolidate a range of sponsor visa classes, remove various sponsorship and nomination requirements and repeal a number of visa sub classes in an effort to make it easier for businesses applying for a temporary visa.
The Department of Immigration & Border Protection will close the following visa subclasses to new applicants:
-Subclass 401 Temporary Work (Long Stay Activity) visa
-Subclass 402 Training and Research visa
-Subclass 416 Special Program visa
-Subclass 420 Temporary Work (Entertainment) visa
-Subclass 488 Superyacht Crew visa
What happens to applications lodged prior to changes?
Applications that have been lodged prior to the 19 November 2016 will be processed under the legislation that was in place prior to 19 November 2016.
What will the new visa subclasses be?
From the 19 November 2016 there will be four new visa sub classes as follows:
Temporary Work (Short Stay Specialist) (Subclass 400) visa
This visa will be for people applying to enter Australia to undertake highly specialised, non ongoing work and in some circumstances, participate in an activity or in work that would benefit Australia
Temporary Work (International Relations) (Subclass 403) visa
This visa will be for people applying to enter Australia under a bilateral agreement, to represent a foreign government or teach a foreign language in an Australian school, to undertake full-time domestic work for a diplomat, enter as a person with statutory privileges and immunities or participate in the Seasonal Worker Programme.
This visa will be for people applying to enter Australia to participate in or undertake occupational training or classroom-based professional development activities.
Temporary Activity (Subclass 408) visa
This visa will be for people applying to enter Australia to undertake a range of activities which include but are not limited to:
-Participating in a non-ongoing cultural or social activities at the invitation of an Australian organisation
-Undertake full-time religious work
-Work in the entertainment industry
-Observe or participate as an academic in a research project
-Participate in a special programme to enhance international relations and cultural exchange
-Participate in an Australian government endorsed event
-Work in a skilled position under a staff exchange agreement
-Work as a Superyacht crew member
-Undertake full-time domestic work in the household of certain senior foreign executives
Applications lodged after 19 November 2016 will no longer need to meet sponsorship and nomination requirements for specific short stay activities.
In general, this will assist business, industries and the country overall in reducing the complications with applying for these types of visas and streamline the process.
Need further information or assistance?
If you have any questions or require further assistance on how this new framework may affect you please contact Ethos Migration on 1300 083 843 or via email at [email protected]