Parent Visas – What is the balance of family test?

Contributory Parent Visas – What is the balance of family test?

Below are commonly asked questions we receive in regards to the balance of family test.

What is the balance of family test for Parent Visas?

The balance of family test is a requirement of the Department of Immigration & Border Protection which requires at least half (50%) of the parents children, permanently live in Australia.

What counts as living permanently in Australia?

The children must be on of the following:

  • Australian citizens
  • Australian permanent residents who usually reside in Australia
  • Eligible New Zealand residents who usually reside in Australia

Why does the Australian government require the balance of family test?

The Australian government uses the balance of family tests to see if the parents have genuine ties with Australia. It is used as a method of ensuring people do not misuse the parent visa programme.

How can I pass the balance of family test?

Examples of passing the test –

Example 1 :

If you and/or your partner live outside Australia and have 3 kids, one which lives in Canada, and the other two live in Australia as permanent residents you then pass the balance of family test.

Example 2:

If you and/or your partner live outside Australia and only have 1 child who permanently lives in Australia – you pass the balance of family test.

Example 3:

If you and/or your partner live outside Australia and have 2 kids, and they both permanently live in Australia – you pass the balance of family test.

Examples of failing the test –

Example 1:

If you and/or your partner live outside Australia and have 3 kids, 1 lives in Canada, the other lives in the USA and the third lives in Australia – you do not pass the balance of family test.

Example 2:

If you/and or your partner live outside Australia and have 3 kids, and 2 of them are studying in Australia and the third lives their permanently – you do not pass the balance of family test as only 1 of your 3 children are permanent residents.

Example 3:

If you and/or your partner live outside Australia and have 1 child who is working in Australia on a temporary visa – you do not pass the balance of family test as the child is not a permanent resident of Australia.

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