New SC408 COVID-19 ‘Visa’ Stream Announced
The Department of Home Affairs has announced by way of legislative instrument a new approved ‘event’ of the SC408 visa known as ‘Post COVID-19 Economic Recovery Event’.
This visa will allow applicants to be granted a Temporary Activity (subclass 408) visa for people who are considered as essential staff members of businesses in Australia that are assisting in establishing a businesses operations in Australia and will assist in Australia’s response to the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The specific criteria listed in the Legislative Instrument is:
(a) are employed full time as an essential staff member of a business that:
(i) is relocating to Australia and
(ii) will assist in Australia’s response to the economic effects of COVID-19; and
(b) will assist with the establishment of the business’s operations in Australia; and
(c) make an application for a Subclass 408 visa in relation to the event between 27 February 2021 and 30 June 2022; and
(d) have not previously been granted a Subclass 408 visa in relation to the event specified in 408.229(b).
An applicant for a Subclass 408 visa in relation to an Australian Government endorsed event (as specified for clause 408.229 of Schedule 2 to the Migration Regulations) will need to nominate which event applies to their circumstances at the time of application for the visa, as a number of different events are specified for this purpose at this time.
Applying for the visa
If you require further information regarding this new visa option please contact our office.