Global Talent Visa Program – GTI
In order to grow the innovation and technology economies within Australia, the government released a new streamlined pathway called the Global Talent Independent Program to invite highly skilled professionals to travel to Australia to work and live permanently. This program seeks to attract the world’s ‘best and brightest talent’ to Australia.
Eligibility for the Global Talent Visa Program
In order to begin assessing the eligibility of the applicant for the Global Talent Independent Program, the candidate must be highly skilled in one of the seven target sectors which this program was designed for.
The target sectors are as follows:
- Resources
- Agri-food and AgTech
- Energy
- Health Industries
- Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
- Circular Economy
- DigiTech
- Infrastructure and Tourism
- Financial Services and FinTech
- Education
The additional eligibility requirements are:
- Applicants must hold a position with a salary above the equivalent of AUD $153,600 or demonstrate they are likely to attract a salary above that amount.
In order to assess the above requirement, the department will consider:
- Evidence of current salary through payslips and/or an employment contract; or
- Job offers that outline the remuneration that would be offered; or
- Must have completed a recent PhD or Master Degree in the target sectors.
How can I apply for the Global Talent Visa Program?
The Global Talent Visa comprises of a two-step application. The first being an expression of interest, which if the parameters are met, the applicant will receive a unique identifier which will allow you to apply for the visa. Once the applicant receives their unique identifier, this allows them to apply for the visa itself.
When applying for the visa, you must show that you are being nominated by an eligible organisation or individual who is associated with the field in which you are applying under. This nominator must not change during the processing of your visa.
The department will assess the nominators eligibility through a number of factors including:
- Employment history
- Professional associations within the industry
- Record of achievements within the industry
- Contribution to international publications
- Participation in local and international conferences and events
- Leadership within the industry.
Is there an age limit for the Global Talent Independent Visa Program?
There is no age limit per se, however applicants who fall outside the age bracket of 18-55 will need to show that they are of an ‘exceptional’ benefit to the Australian community.
Updates for the Global Talent Visa program for the 2020/21 financial year
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery for Australia, the number of allocated spot for the Global Talent Independent Program Visa is three time more than the previous year with now 15,000 spots being made available. The two sectors drawing in more than 50% of those 15,000 spots are MedTech and Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data science and ICT to aid in the recovery of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Interested in applying or assessing your eligibility for the Global Talent Visa Program?
If you would like to know more about this program, or undertake a comprehensive assessment against the criteria, please contact our office online, by telephone at 1300 083 843 or via email at to book in a consultation at a time that best suits you.