Employing a highly specialised worker from overseas for your company – The Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) visa (subclass 400)
The Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) visa (subclass 400) is designed for people who wish to:
- Perform short-term, highly specialised, non-ongoing work
- Participate in non-ongoing cultural or social activities at the invitation of an Australian organisation
- In specific cases, participate in an activity or work that relates to Australia’s interests.
In many cases however, businesses in Australia who require highly specialised workers to assist in a project in Australia hire workers from overseas to assist in this highly specialised temporary work.
Recent case study:
An example of this, is a recent client of ours is developing a product that is intended to be exported to China which was a project that required an engineer to provide assistance on the manufacturing of the product to ensure it was compliant with Chinese laws.
With the assistance of Ethos Migration, the company was able to successfully secure a Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity) visa (subclass 400) for their contracted employee for a period of 3 months which was enough time for the organisation to complete the project.
With this visa, a period of stay of up to three months is generally granted however a grant period of up to 6 months can be granted if supported by a strong business case justifying the need for the applicant to remain in Australia for an extended period of time.
For a detailed consultation on the requirements of this visa please get in contact with us today.