Changes to Tasmanian State Nomination Criteria for Skilled Nominated (subclass 190 visa)

Category 1: Tasmanian Graduate Stream

Changes to the criteria:

In relation to the Graduate Stream of the subclass 190 visa in Tasmania, the Tasmanian Government has released flexible nomination requirements for applicants affected by COVID-19.

Factors they will consider:

These relaxations will be available to:

  • An applicant who has completed online studies during the time that the CRICOS provider is not delivering an on campus method;
  • An applicant who has completed their studies in Tasmania, travelled overseas temporarily and is now unable to return due to the travel restrictions in place;
  • Those applicants who commenced their studies in Tasmania, travelled overseas temporarily and have been affected by the travel restrictions, and who have continued to study online outside of Australia; and
  • Applicants who due to travel restrictions, cannot commence their course in Tasmania, so have commenced remotely while waiting for restrictions to be lifted.

These applicants will be eligible for consideration as long as they can genuinely show they were affected by the travel restrictions. The applicants who fall into the above categories available for flexible criteria, will have to show that they have met all other published requirements for the visa.

Category 2: Working in Tasmania Stream

Change to the criteria:

The Tasmanian Government has also added some flexibility for applicants who have been affected by COVID-19 employment stand-downs or reductions in working hours. This flexibility will be applied to applicants in regards to the mandatory 6 month full-time employment requirement. The Government has advised that the applicants will be assessed on it’s merits according to the industry that it relates to, the skills held by the individual applicant and whether or not the applicant will be likely to return to full time work in the future, after the pandemic.

Factors they will consider:

The Tasmanian Government will consider a few circumstances when applying flexibility to the mandatory 6 month full-time work requirement. These are:

  • The applicant obtained at least 3 months full-time employment before the closure or restrictive operations of the business;
  • The full-time employment held by the applicant was directly related to the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  • There is evidence of the likelihood that the applicant will return to full-time employment after the restrictions have been lifted and the business can return to normal operating hours and capacity.

Interested in applying?

If you fall under any of the above criteria, and are looking at applying for the 190 visa with a nomination from Tasmania, we recommend you check out the additional criteria for eligibility.

If you would like to know more about applying for a Skilled Nominated visa and your pathway to permanent residency or want to undertake a comprehensive assessment against the criteria, please feel free to contact our office on 1300 083 843 or via email at [email protected]

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