The Education Minister for South Australia Dr Susan close has announced that subclass 457 workers that are earning more than $77,000 per year will now be required to start paying school fees for their dependent children according to a report made by The Daily Telegraph.

Currently, the children of subclass 457 workers in South Australia do not pay public school fees which puts South Australia into the same playing field as Western Australia, New South Wales and the ACT.

The report issued states that any family that is being supported by a worker on a subclass 457 visa with a household income of more than $77,000 will have to pay the following school fees:

Primary school children – $5,100 per child per year

Secondary school children – $6,100 per child per year

Dr Susan Close said that is was ‘fair to ask subclass 457 visa holders who make a temporary home here to make a modest contribution to the cost of providing public education. The money will help fund early childhood education, which is the most crucial areas of our education system.


It is currently estimated that the new fee requirement to be introduced will generate more than $11 Million in extra revenue for the state of South Australia over the next four years.

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