Victorian & Queensland State Nominations Suspended – Skilled Migration Update

We have been advised that Live in Melbourne, and the Business and Skilled Migration Queensland team have suspended receiving applications for state sponsorship due to high volumes and a large backlog of application already on hand.

Victorian State Nomination – Live in Melbourne

The Victorian Government has advised they are experiencing a very high volume of applications for visa nomination in relation to skilled migration. They have advised they are not accepting any further applications at this time.

All applications that had been received prior to the 15 May 2018 will continue to be processed however may result in delays in processing.

They have advised that this is only a temporary measure to manage current caseload and will re-open in the near future.


Business and Skilled Migration Queensland – BSMQ

The Business and Skilled Migration Queensland department have advised that due to a large backlog of applications they are temporarily suspending the issuance of new invitations. The state will not be accepting any more Expression of Interests (EOI’s) until further notice.



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