Genuine Student (GS) Assessment to commence for all Student Visa applications as of 23 March 2024

Under the new Migration Strategy released by the Australian Government in December 2023, there will be changes to the Student (subclass 500) Visa application process and assessment criteria. The Australian Government has announced that the Genuine Student (GS) requirement will be replacing the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement.

The purpose of the current GTE requirement, and new Genuine Student (GS) requirement is to assist the Department in assessing if the student visa applicant genuinely intends to come to Australia to study, abide by the conditions imposed on their visa, not overstay their visa, or use the student visa system as a way to seek temporary migration to Australia for purposes other than study.

Currently, the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) criteria requires a personal statement attached to the student visa application, addressing the genuine circumstances of the applicant wishing to study in Australia with relevant evidence if available.

Under the Genuine Student (GS) guidelines, targeted questions will be added to the student visa application. The goal of this change is to ascertain the sincerity of student’s intentions to acquire quality education in Australia.

These will include questions about:

  • The applicants circumstances in their home country, such as family, community, and employment ties to the home country.
  • The political and civil situations in the applicants home country.
  • Details of the applicants economic circumstances.
  • The applicants potential circumstances in Australia, such as family, community, or relationship ties to Australia.
  • The study details of the course chosen and the value of the course to the applicant’s future.
  • Relevant study history in Australia.
  • Relevant immigration history.

It is important to note that supporting documentation will still be required for the visa application.

The student visa declaration will also be amended. Applicants will need to confirm that they understand what it means to be a genuine student for the purpose of study in Australia and that they have read and understood the requirements of their visa conditions. If there is a change in circumstances, the student is to notify the Department of Home Affairs immediately.

These changes are planned to commence for applications lodged on or after 23 March 2024.

Applications lodged before 23 March 2024 will be assessed according to the existing GTE requirements.

The GTE requirement will remain in place for the Student Guardian (subclass 590) Visa.

Further Information and Assistance

The Department of Home Affairs has advised they will release additional information in the lead up to these changes taking place on 23 March 2024. If you wish to discuss these changes, or have any questions, please contact our office on 1300 083 843 or submit an online enquiry.

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