Employer Sponsored Visa Holders – More time to find a new sponsor

As part of Australia’s Migration Strategy, the Department of Home Affairs have introduced changes in relation to conditions affecting temporary skilled migrants. As part of these changes, employer sponsored visa-holders will have more time to find a new sponsor as of 1 July 2024.

The legislative changes relate to conditions 8107, 8607, and 8608, which are imposed on the below visa subclasses:

The above visa holders will be given a maximum of 365 days across their entire visa grant period, with a maximum of up to 180 days at a time, to find a new sponsor, apply for a different visa, or depart Australia.

During this time, visa holders can work for other employers, including in positions or occupations not listed in their most recently approved nomination.

Sponsored visa holders must continue to work in their nominated occupation while working for their existing sponsor.

Holders of one of the visa subclasses outlined above can work for a new employer only once employment with their most recently approved sponsor has ceased.

These upcoming changes will ensure visa holders are able to support themselves while looking for a new sponsor. Approved business sponsors can hire the above visa holders before deciding to nominate them for an approved occupation.

These changes apply for new and existing visa holders from 1 July 2024 onwards. Any periods during which a visa holder ceased working for their sponsor prior to 1 July, will not be considered in the newly defined conditions.

All other sponsorship obligations remain in place. This includes informing the Department within 28 days if a sponsored visa holder ceases employment.

Further Information and Assistance

If you wish to discuss your eligibility to be an approved business sponsor, please contact us on 1300 083 843.

For more information about your visa conditions, or how the above changes might affect you, please contact our office or submit an online enquiry.

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