Skills In Demand (SID) Visa (subclass 482) Visa
The Skills in Demand Visa (SID) (subclass 482) visa has replaced the Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa to provide more flexibility to skilled workers and employers.
All pathways of the Skills in Demand (SID) visa have a clear route to permanent residency in Australia via the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) (subclass 186) visa.
The visa is designed to address Australia’s labour market needs and skill shortages across a broad range of industries and sectors.
The Skills in Demand Visa is broken down into the following three pathways known as ‘streams’:
Key Elements of the Skills in Demand (SID) (subclass 482) Visa
All Skills in Demand (SID) (subclass 482) visas can be granted a visa for a period of up to four years.
All visa holders, in all three pathways, will have a clear pathway to permanent residency, with all time spent with an approved sponsor counting towards the permanent residency requirements. This avoids ‘resetting’ the time period if visa holders are to change sponsors.
Visa holders will have the ability to change sponsors and are afforded with 180 days to change sponsors without being in breach of their visa conditions.
The government has introduced a public register of approved business sponsors which can assist visa holders and other individuals in finding a suitable sponsor.
Three streams under the Skills in Demand (SID) SC482 Visa
Specialist Skills Stream
This Specialist Skills Stream is for highly skilled migrants that will be earning at least $135,000 or more annually and are provided with priority processing of 7 days.
This stream is available to all occupations with the exception of trades workers, machinery operators, drivers and labourers.
Core Skills Stream
The Core Skills Stream is available for a wider range of occupations which will include registered nurses, trades workers and certain machinery operators.
Occupations eligible to be sponsored under this stream must be on the Core Skills Occupation List (CSOL).
Individuals sponsored under this stream will need to meet the Core Skilled Threshold (CST) salary requirement which will be indexed annually and is currently $73,150.00
Processing times for this visa are targeted at a median of 21 days.
Labour Agreement Stream
The Labour Agreement Stream is available to lower-paid skilled workers to address the skill shortages faced across a range of industries and in particular the care and support economy.
This stream is available to individuals who will earn an annual salary under the Core Skilled Threshold (CST) and have a sponsor with an approved labour agreement.
Eligibility Requirements for the Skills in Demand (SID) (subclass 482) Visa
The sponsoring employer will need to provide evidence that they have experienced difficulty in recruiting the nominated position in the local labour market.
Exemptions to this apply if an international trade obligation applies.
Depending on the stream that is being applied for under, sponsored workers will need to be paid at least the Core Skills Threshold (CST) and equivalent to the Australian Market Salary Rate (AMSR).
Visa Applicants
At least 12 months of relevant work experience will be required to be demonstrated
English ability requirements must be met unless exempt.
Visa applicants will need to provide police clearances for every country they have spent more than 12 months in, over the last 10 years.
Skills in Demand (SID) Visa – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Skills in Demand (SID) visa can be granted for a period of up to four years.
Holders of Skills in Demand (SID) visas will have the ability to move between sponsors and have up to 180 days to find a new sponsor.
If you are the holder of a Skills in Demand or TSS (subclass 482) visa, the Government has a public register of sponsors that may assist you in finding a new sponsor.
Yes, the SID visa will allow you to include your partner/spouse and your dependent children on your visa.
Yes, all pathways of the Skills in Demand Visa will enable a pathway to permanent residency after completing at least two years on the visa.
The cost for the temporary work visa in Australia will depend on which visa pathway you apply for.
Yes, you can change sponsors at any time however you must find a new sponsor within 180 days of ceasing employment with your current/former sponsor.
If your contact details have changed since you lodged your visa application, you can notify the Department of Home Affairs online through your Immi Account or through a paper Form 929.