Visa holders with Condition 8115 imposed on their visa are only permitted to undertake ‘business visitor activities’ during their time in Australia.

Regulation 1.03 of the Migration Regulations 1994 clearly defines what activities are permitted for applicants/holders of a tourist or visitor visa in the business visitor activity stream.

When a visitor/tourist visa is granted in the business visitor activity stream, it will be imposed with Condition 8115.

This condition prohibits visa holders from engaging in any ‘work’ in Australia but does enable them to undertake what is known as ‘business visitor activities’.

The ‘business visitor activity definition’ has prescribed the following activities that are consistent with the conditions of tourist/visitor visas in the business visitor activity stream:

  • undertaking general business or employment enquiries; and/or
  • investigating, negotiating, entering into or reviewing business contracts; and/or
  • participating in a conference, trade fair or seminar in Australia unless the person is being paid by an organiser for participation; and/or
  • undertaking an activity as part of an official government to government visit to Australia.

Any activity that does not fall into the above categories is generally not permitted to be undertaken by visa holders with condition 8115 imposed on their visa.

Regulation 1.03 clearly describes that the following activities are not business visitor activities:

  • an activity that is, or includes, undertaking work for, or supplying services to, an organisation or other person based in Australia; and/or
  • an activity that is, or includes, the sale of goods or services directly to the general public.

Further information & assistance

If you would like further information or assistance in relation to Condition 8115 or working visas in Australia, please contact our office to speak with our highly experienced corporate immigration lawyers.

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