Travel Ban for all non-residents & non-Australian citizens as of 9PM 20 March 2020


  • Scott Morrison, the Australian Prime Minister has announced a travel ban on all non-residents and non-Australian citizens coming into Australia as of 9:00pm Friday 20th march.
  • The Tasmanian Government will uphold the compulsory 14 day self-isolation period to all non-essential travellers as of midnight Friday 20th march.

These announcements will not affect Australian residents and citizens returning home. The Australian Government continues to strongly urge all Australian residents and citizens to arrange their travel home as soon as possible.

Previous updates:

  • The Australian Government has announced that all incomers to Australia will be required to self-isolate in their homes for 14 days post arrival.
  • In addition to the 14 day self-isolation requirement, all international cruise ships will be banned from docking in Australia for the next 30 days with a reassessment to happen before that date.

Updates for Onshore visa holders:

  • Persons holding onshore visas who wish to extend their stay in Australia will need to still apply for an applicable visa.
  • Those holding ‘no further stay’ restrictions may be eligible for a waiver.
  • For these waivers, it is recommended to contact the department in which your visa was issued from.

Updates for Offshore visa holders:

  • A waiver may also be available for those holding offshore visas who are required to enter Australia by a certain date.

The Department of Home Affairs has already dedicated extra resources to combat the expected increase in waiver requests.

Ethos Migration Lawyers suggests any current clients to contact us if they have any concerns over their visa. We encourage telephone or video consultations at this time if any of our clients do not feel comfortable attending our offices.

For information regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19), please visit

Ethos Migration Lawyers will continue to provide further updates as they become available.

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