Review of the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT)

On the 24 February 2017 the review of the Temporary Skilled Migration Threshold report was released to the public. The report was undertaken by Mr John Azarias who was appointed by the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, the Honourable Peter Dutton MP.

The report was focused on the feasibility of the TSMIT, and to ensure the current level set by the Australian Government is in line with industry standard.

The main findings of the report were as follows:

  • it should remain as a single figure
  • it should continue to be set at $53,900
  • it should be annually indexed as of July 2016
  • any concessions to the TSMIT should continue to be negotiated through Labour Agreements
  • labour Agreements should be included in the simplified sponsorship model
  • the current legislative framework should continue to be used for the TSMIT
  • the current discrepancy between the 457 programme, which requires sponsors to meet TSMIT, and the ENS/RSMS programmes, which do not have such a requirement, should be addressed by the Government

In summary, the report has advised that the TSMIT should be annually indexed and reviewed again within the next two years.

The full report can be found here:

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