High Risk Countries – Outbound Travel Exemption Changes for Australia
As of 23 April 2021, India and Papua New Guinea are now listed as high-risk countries and travel is soon to be only on ‘exceptional circumstances’.
New restrictions which will be coming into place for India:
Only 3 reasons to be travelling to India under an ‘exceptional circumstance’ travel exemption:
- Critical workers providing assistance to covid response; or
- Person travelling in Australia’s national interest; or
- Persons seeking urgent medical treatment for a critical illness not available in Australia.
New restrictions which will be coming into place for Papua New Guinea:
Only 2 reasons to be travelling to PNG under an ‘exceptional circumstance’ travel exemption:
- Critical workers providing assistance to the COVID-19 response; or
- People undertaking critical safety roles.
There are no longer options for compelling, compassionate, or humanitarian exemptions.
Ethos Migration Lawyers will continue to provide updates as they become available.