Ethos Migration Lawyers – It’s Business As Usual

We would like to confirm to all prospective and existing clients, that it is business as usual at Ethos Migration Lawyers.

Our practice has always had a firm focus on technology, so we have been able to seamlessly transition to working remotely with minimal disruption.

Our entire team of administration, support staff and immigration lawyers are on call to assist via telephone & video conferencing with consultations, emails and calls all being attended to as usual.

We understand that Australian businesses are doing it tough at the moment as the COVID-19 is causing disruptions across all industry sectors. Businesses and visa holders have many questions in regard to the current circumstances, and as such we are available to provide as much clarity as currently available to these questions.

On the other hand, individuals are stuck in various places across the world and people are in Australia with visas expiring.

We are fully committed to supporting Australian businesses and individuals in Australia and overseas.

We will be continuing to provide updates via our website and through social media platforms as they become available.

If you require advice or assistance please do not hesitate to contact us on 1300 083 843 or via email at [email protected]

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