Applying for the ‘COVID Visa’ after 21 February 2022

The Temporary Activity (GG-408) COVID-19 Pandemic Event visa lets you stay in Australia to work if you are employed or have an offer of employment in a key sector or any other sector of the economy however this visa option has significantly changed since it was first introduced.

If you apply for this visa on or after 21 February 2022, you will no longer be eligible on the grounds of being unable to depart Australia due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

Applicants who have applied or will apply for the visa on or after 21 February 2022 must:

 Be in Australia and meet one of the below scenarios:

Scenario 1:

  • Have evidence of ongoing employment or an offer of employment in any sector in Australia; and
  • Hold a valid substantive visa with work rights that expires in 90 days or less, or that expired 28 days ago or less

Scenario 2:

  • Have evidence of ongoing employment or an offer of employment in any sector in Australia; and
  • Hold a valid substantive visa with no work rights that expires in 90 days or less, or that expired 28 days ago or less; and
  • Last arrived in Australia before 21 February 2022

Scenario 3:

  • Have evidence of ongoing employment or an offer of employment from a Commonwealth funded aged care service provider; and
  • Hold a valid substantive visa that expires in 90 days or less, or that expired 28 days ago or less

Scenario 4:

  • Have evidence of ongoing employment or an offer of employment from an approved employer under the Seasonal Worker Program; and
  • Hold a Subclass 403 Seasonal Worker visa that expires in 90 days or less, or that expired 28 days ago or less

Further Information & Assistance

If you would like further information on the changes to the SC408 COVID-19 visa, assistance applying for a Temporary Activity (subclass 408) ‘COVID’ visa or for assistance and advice with any Australian migration matters, please contact our office.

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